Friday, November 27, 2009

A trip to Uncle Lanes

Tomorrow we take a trip to Kentucky to see Uncle Lanes farm. You boys are so excited! After watching the John Deere tractor video a million times I wonder what you will think of a real farm. Gavin you can't stop talking about the horses at Uncle Lanes and Logan just calls every farm, tractor, and plaid button up shirt Opa! :) I am really looking forward to the road trip. It was always my favorite part about vacation when I was growing up. Everyone in the car singing songs or playing games. We got to go to the Waffle House and make Pecan (pee-can) jokes all the way to Florida. It's gonna be fun!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Best Friends


Last week you and Logan were fighting and you said you didn't want Logan to be your friend and daddy told you that your brother is the best friend you can have in the world just like uncle Matt and daddy. You were kind of sad as you always are when daddy has a serious talk with you, but a couple days later Papa asked you who was your best friend and you told him Jack and LoLo. Daddy is so proud that you remembered what he said about being best friends with your brother. Friends can stop being your friend at any time, but your brother will always be your brother.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Watcher

It's midnight and I watched you sleeping. Quiet - fragile - repose. I see you every day so it's almost like I can't tell, but I remember you much smaller. It's like other children I once knew, but they're all you. It was a moment ago, but in the grand scheme of things it's like I am living the entire industrial revolution through from Horses to Space Shuttles. You are a century away from the babies that kept me up all night. You're beautiful and intelligent and self aware. Learning at a speed I can only dream about. Unencumbered - free - sojourning. I spare no toil to raise you right - the effort from which has aged me ten years.

My boys.

I know one day you'll be men. But for now I am the watcher.

Good Night.

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Can Two Halves Of Me Be So Different?


When you were in mommies tummy I wrote an online journal for your mom and I recently read it again. Needless to say, some entries got me thinking. In the blog I write about Gavin and I praying for you to be a healthy little brother and how Gavin would kiss mommies tummy every night and how I imagined you sitting next to Gavin watching TV. It must explain that little flutter I feel in my heart when I see you two next to each other resting and watching TV. In another entry I think I found the reason you like when daddy rubs your back and why your most commonly used word was "book" right before bed. Finally, did you know that the place we went camping for your birthday was a place I first wrote about when you were in mommies tummy?

So many things to write about, but it's so easy just to sit back and enjoy you when I should be writing some of these things down. I will try to be more dilligent.


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Same Old Story


Not a day goes by that I don't thank God that you are my wife. I know I tell you this all the time, but I think it's a good thing that you are probably sick of hearing it. But I would rather you hear it too much than assume you knew how much I appreciate you. You are everything I always wanted in a woman and a whole bunch of things I didn't know I wanted. If I am anything in this world it is because God gave me you. I love you till death. I'm never letting go...Ever.
