Monday, October 31, 2005

Gavin is supposed to be a Dragon, but he looks more like a Hungry Hungry Hippo. Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

It seems like yesterday.

Actually it seems like forever ago, but I miss being able to snuggle you and sleep. Now days you wiggle around so much and want to play so we don't get to snuggle anymore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

No matter how much I fight it.

No matter how much I fight it I am continuously smitten by you. I have never known such selfless pride. I know that is an oxymoron, but it is the only way I can describe the feeling I get when I see you sit-up, or hold you bottle for the first time. I am so proud of you for becoming "you". (I am aware of how corny this sounds.)

I have never lost my love of playing, so we wrestled yesterday. Well, I wrestled and you came among for the ride, but you loved it, and so did Trinity. :) She jumped on us and licked our faces, and you smiled and laughed when I tickled you. Growing up I have seen there are several ways to raise a child and get a "good kid" as a result (despite what you see on TV), and I suppose that is the beauty of parenting.

But I am so afraid of spoiling you. I struggle everyday with how to react and treat you. I wonder if the same lessons I learned, growing up poor, can be learned by you when things are handed to you from every direction. It is a great weight, this burden of raising you, but it is one I am so intrigued and fascinated by. I enjoy it while I drowned in it. And yet how do I teach you how to manage money without being a miser, or how to avoid marketing ploys and political spin doctoring without making you too much of a cynical bastard at the same time avoid turning you into a total pushover. I am constantly torn by these things, and yet I keep getting told I will be a wonderful father. How do they know? Are the things that we judge other adults on even factors to a child?

I know one thing for certain. I worry too much. ;)

Sunday, October 09, 2005