Saturday, March 31, 2007


I am in the home stretch of a 36 hour shift right now and I just got off the phone with mommy as she was rocking you to sleep. I talked to you and you giggled which melted my heart. I miss you so much. I have been wearing the rubberband you left on the Coke machine yesterday on my wrist. When I look at it I think of you and I smile. I have clinical time tomorrow morning at the hospital, but I may just leave early so I can see you and mommy. I miss you guys so much, and it's hard to be away from you when I am getting paid let alone when I am not getting paid. Stupid clinical time.

I printed out the application for the town where your Uncle Robert is a police officer since it doesn't look very promising here in C town. I am number 10 on the list and I will be dropping 5 spots because I am not a medic nor do I have a degree. I do have plenty of college credits, but no degree. Don't worry tho I will make it on someplace, and that will probably be a good thing if it isn't here in C town.

I love and miss you!

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