Mommy is so proud of his big boy! Last week I was rocking you, I knew you were tired but you just kept wiggling and wiggling so i got fed up and I put you in your bed awake. You cried for about 10 minutes and all of a sudden, it's quiet. Oh my gosh! You put your self to sleep! Let me just say, every other time we tried this you screamed bloody murder until we just couldn't take it any more and picked you up. You finally learned how to put your self to sleep, with help by your thumb, which by the way you have never done that before either. Now every night we put you in bed awake and there is hardly a peep from you. Naps are a different story, you still like to give us a hard time when we put you down awake but every once in a while you go to sleep without a hitch. We are getting there.
You have also slept all the way through the night five nights in a row now! Sometimes you wake up and start crying but if I give you a few minutes you find your thumb and fall back to sleep on your own. :) Yay!! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the 5:00 am feeding and snuggle but it is nice to know you can handle the whole night on your own.
I Love You Sweetheart,
Way to go! He's on his way to be independent young boy..
My first born son is celebrating his 14th birthday today and it makes me miss those days that you are having now with those feeding time and cuddling time.. I want the time to come back so I can cuddle with him more! He is willing to give me hugs but he's getting too big to just scoop and hug him! :)
Congrats lori. The good thing is he is willing to be put to sleep and fall asleep on his own, but if you want to you can still hold him till he falls asleep. When I way a baby, my mom said I didn't like to be cuddled, which is the complete oppsite now. I am 25, but when I go see my folks, I still like to sit on the couch and be snuggled by my mom. Mom hugs are such a powerful thing!
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