The day has arrived. A couple days ago Mommy was putting you to bed and she told you to say goodnight to daddy, and I said gimme a kiss big boy and you leaned right over and gave me a kiss. Uhhh Houston we have a problem. Daddy was not ready for such a moment. I just about started sobbing, but I think I was too shocked. Mommy and I were both shocked.
Since then you have given real kisses to Papa and Mommy and I think Uncle Jason. You won't know how much that little kiss, slobber and all, meant to your daddy until you have a little boy of your own, and you wait for months for him to show you he loves you in a way you can understand. Then when that moment arrives you are just not ready. You think you are ready, but you're not. It's like the moment in Fight Club when Jack finds out he is Tyler Durden.
You struck your daddy silly.
(Pictured Auntie Michelle and Cousin Jack)
AWWW What a PRECIOUS moment! I loved it when my children gave me hugs, kisses and just want to be close to me for no reason at all..
:) M-
Ah, you gave it away. I've never seen Fight Club. I will promptly forget everything.
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