Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Do

Today is the 7 year anniversary of the day your daddy proposed to me. I know you will want to know this story as I would tell it and just in case I never get the chance...This is how it went...It was a ususal Saturday morning, I was at the ice rink teaching skate school, it was right before my last class and Lori (my skating coach) asked me if I wanted to play hide the beanie baby with her class for the last ten minutes of class. I thought this was kinda wierd because she has never asked me to play before but, whatever, sounded like a good idea to me. So the last ten minutes come along and we get our classes together and start to play (I should probably tell you how this game is played, each child has a beanie baby and there are a bunch of orange cones on the ice, the teacher takes all the beanie babies and hides them under the cones, then the kids find their beanie baby. The kids love it.) Well, after a few rounds Lori decides that is my turn to find the beanies, (this was wierd to me too because the kids were the only ones to ever find the beanies, not the teachers) so the kids hide them all and I start looking. So, I'm looking under the cones and I'm finding the beanies left and right when I come across a little box, weired, but whatever I just pick it up and keep looking for the beanies. Then Lori asks me "Aren't you going to open the box?" Just then, your daddy skated onto the ice, ever so gracefully, (he almost fell. hehehe) and I open the box and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. He went all out, in the background he played "Say it" on the loud speaker and had a bunch of little girls hold a huge sign saying "Will you marry me Lori?" It was amazing, I was blown away. Everyone was in on it, Uma and Opa and Grandma and Papa were there, practically everyone knew but me. It was the only time I have ever been completely surprised. What a perfect time.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Mike said...

You forgot to mention it was the ring we fell in love with about a year earlier. :) Damn rental skates were dull as hell! :) I almost died. :) You also forgot that your dad had the video camera and videotaped the floor and his feet alot, but not much proposal. :(