Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Breakdown

Yesterday was Valentines Day. A very special day for Lori and I. I got two cards from Lori. With Gavin on my lap and Logan in Loris arms next to us I read the first card addressed to Daddy:

For Our Daddy
Maybe it's the way you hug,
or maybe it's your smile.
Maybe it's the way you stop
to play with us awhile.
Maybe it's a million zillion things
that make us glad-
We get to be the lucky kids
who have you for a dad.
Happy Valentines Day
With Love
Gavin and Logan

The timing was impeccable - just as I finished reading the card Gavin turned and gave me the tightest and longest hug he has ever given me. Loris eyes filled with tears and as the tears poured from my eyes I just hugged him back and cried. It is moments like these that make me glad I didn't give up on my dream of being a Fire Fighter. Thank you Gavin for making this the best Valentines Day ever. Next to the one that mommy gave me the jar full of reasons why she loves me.

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