Wednesday, May 25, 2005

2 months 1 day

Last night you and I communicated. It was simple, but it was incredibly moving.

Your mom was holding you on her lap rocking you and you we a little fussy, but not making too much noise. I walked over to speak with your mother and you started staring at me. Mommy told me you were doing so, and when I looked down sure enough there you were looking straight at me. You have been known to look at things and people for a little bit so I didn't think it was a big deal, but this time you were staring at me for what must have been 5 minutes before I realized that you really saw me. As soon as I realized how locked on you were, I smiled and stared back at you. In that moment I had an overwhelming feeling of love and appreciation of you. Not for the you that was, or the You that is going to be, but just for the little you that I have and enjoy right now. No sooner had this emotion come to me that you broke out in the biggest smile and my eyes quickly filled with tears. Just then, when we thought we couldn't be any more moved by the moment we had just experienced, you cooed at me and the tears started exiting our eyes very rapidly. :) You were smiling and cooing at me for another few minutes. The English language does not have words for the feelings that I had in those few minutes, but I don't think I want to define it anyway.

I don't think I will ever forget our first conversation, and hopefully neither will you.

I Love you little boy.

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