Monday, December 19, 2005

Mommy wants a hug...

Watch out Gavin because, having kids just makes you into one big sappy slob. I was talking to your mommy on the phone and we were talking about something and the conversation just found it's way to you. Imagine that. Your mommy told me she wanted to hug you so bad she could actually feel her body ache when she thought about it. She loves you so much it hurts her to be away from you. What an awesome mommy huh?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Monday, November 21, 2005

What can I say the Kid Likes Pepsi! 7months 2 weeks 5 days

I am having the best time with you kiddo! Two days ago you were talking into the dog bell to hear your echo and laughing, and just yesterday you were playing with your toys in the middle of the front room all by yourself. The only problem is that if I watch you and you see me watching, then you want me to come play and you start fussing. :)

I am not able to rightly ascertain where your Pepsi affinity comes from. I am a Pepsi junkie it is true, but I don't think Pepsi addiction can be passed on can it? :) You are quite the little fan of the Pepsi tho. It's quite funny. I am sure you are just grabbing for the Pepsi because I am drinking it, but regardless it is still pretty cute. I even gave you your own Pepsi can out of the fridge to play with on the ground, but it didn't last long.

I know there are others who read this blog with some really cute kid stories. I would Love to hear them if you don't mind sharing.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Little Melancholy

Even before I had my son I had thought about how little you actually influence the world. But staring at him somehow makes it so much more real. In 2 generations the only memory of me may be an old picture in a photo album that never gets opened.

Think about it...

Think about your great grandparents. Do you even know their first names? Did they think of the eventuality of you? Am I the only one who thinks about that?

Gavin, If you pass down any knowledge of me to your grandkids let it be that I loved your mother with every bit of my heart and ability, and love your wife the same.

To my forgotten forefathers Cuban and Italian who made our existance possible. Salud and Grazie.

Monday, November 07, 2005

More and More on my Mind

Last night I had a dream about you. It was strange because it was the first dream I can remember having with you in it where you interact with me. I think you were trying to talk, and I kept encouraging you to do so. I awoke happy, realizing it was the first such dream that I have had. Just 5 minutes ago I had an experience that was definitely a first, and prompted this post. I looked in the mirror and saw your face staring back at me, and I couldn't help but smile. Everyone says you look like your mommy, and I agree, but there is something there...Something "daddy" in your eyes, and I just saw it in the mirror, and it makes me happy. I love you son.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Monday, October 31, 2005

Gavin is supposed to be a Dragon, but he looks more like a Hungry Hungry Hippo. Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

It seems like yesterday.

Actually it seems like forever ago, but I miss being able to snuggle you and sleep. Now days you wiggle around so much and want to play so we don't get to snuggle anymore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

No matter how much I fight it.

No matter how much I fight it I am continuously smitten by you. I have never known such selfless pride. I know that is an oxymoron, but it is the only way I can describe the feeling I get when I see you sit-up, or hold you bottle for the first time. I am so proud of you for becoming "you". (I am aware of how corny this sounds.)

I have never lost my love of playing, so we wrestled yesterday. Well, I wrestled and you came among for the ride, but you loved it, and so did Trinity. :) She jumped on us and licked our faces, and you smiled and laughed when I tickled you. Growing up I have seen there are several ways to raise a child and get a "good kid" as a result (despite what you see on TV), and I suppose that is the beauty of parenting.

But I am so afraid of spoiling you. I struggle everyday with how to react and treat you. I wonder if the same lessons I learned, growing up poor, can be learned by you when things are handed to you from every direction. It is a great weight, this burden of raising you, but it is one I am so intrigued and fascinated by. I enjoy it while I drowned in it. And yet how do I teach you how to manage money without being a miser, or how to avoid marketing ploys and political spin doctoring without making you too much of a cynical bastard at the same time avoid turning you into a total pushover. I am constantly torn by these things, and yet I keep getting told I will be a wonderful father. How do they know? Are the things that we judge other adults on even factors to a child?

I know one thing for certain. I worry too much. ;)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday, September 25, 2005

25 Weeks 5 Days

Well you finally got your first two teeth. You got them one at a time and with each one came a cold. We were up every night suctioning out your nose. Normally when you wake up you would suck your thumb to get yourself back to sleep but with a stuffy nose that wouldn't quite work. My poor baby, you looked so miserable. But now that they are all the way through you are back to your old self. (Until you get your next tooth that is)

I Love You,

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

24 weeks

Boy oh boy can you eat! Mommy fed you a 6 ounce bottle half a jar of carrots a whole jar of peas and some squash before you stopped making the baby bird face. :) Little did I know when I picked you up to rock you before bed that this particular combination wasn't working. Not since I almost drowned you in nose drops have I seen you vomit so much! First it was just a little spit up on my shoulder, and I called mommy over to bring something to wipe it up with. She came over with one of your little bibs. (the closest thing she could grab) So I lifted you up off my shoulder so she could wipe it off my shirt, and you start to empty the contents onto daddies shirt the little bib mommy is holding in front of you was like putting a thumb over the end of the hose. We had to stand in the tub while the puke drained out of the shirt pouch I made with the bottom of my shirt. I won't get into how it smelled. You can see the results below tho. Soon after you were smiling ear to ear, of course. :)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

23 weeks 1 day

I look forward to coming home and picking you up from nonnies to snuggle and feed you. You have been such a good boy. You make daddy proud. I cannot Begin to tell you how much fun this is. :) I was listening to a local radio host who said having kids is not at all what he expected it to be. He is cynical like I was when you were first born. He had his first major scare yesterday when one of his twin girls was choking on vomit. (Gave me nose drop flashbacks.) *shudder* The baby is fine, but the trauma is horrible. I just wanted to call in to the radio show and tell him that in about 4 months he is going to be on top of the world like I am with you.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

22 Weeks 6 Days

You have your first official cold, I think it's my fault cuz I'm sick too. We have been worried about you because your nose is all stuffy, we are getting very good at using the bulb syringe. You don't like it much, but you are doing pretty good with it considering we are stuffing something up your nose. You were pretty crabby today, you wanted to be held and cuddled a lot (which of course neither of us mind). I hate to see you sick. I hope you feel better soon baby.

I Love You,